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Tuesday, March 27, 2007


i'm excited to be part of this. first time i'll be exhibiting with mr. carlos villa plus ofcourse a group of other talented artists. i'll be showing 2 huge pieces, banner style. come over if you have time.

A Cartography of Filipino American Visual Arts Curated by Rico Reyes

April 5th - 25th, 2007
Reception April 5th, 5:30 - 7:30pm

The artists presented are Filipino, Filipino American, American Filipino, scholars of Philippine Studies or Pinoyphiles, marking the growth and development of the Filipino visual arts community; Overmapped is a pause, to look, and take stock of what is happening with young artists, established artists and their career trajectories, with hobbyists who find themselves deep in serious artmaking, along with many others.

These artists represent the various points on the arc of Filipino, American visual art, points defined by both artists and the academia and institutions. They address gender and sexuality, race, ethnicity, or otherness, material and formalism, conceptual and avant-garde, established and emerging. There are many points on the arc, one artist may occupy many points simultaneously, or a point might be occupied by more than one artist.

The artists are Melba Abela, Terry Acebo-Davis, Matias Aguilar, Yason Banal, Genara Banzon, The Barrionics, Eliza Barrios, Elaine Benisano, Leo Bersamina, Emily Caisip, Danilo Cuevas, Ariel Erestingcol, Robert Gutierrez, England Hidalgo, Maryrose Cobarrubias Mendoza, Allyn Nobles, Marcius Noceda, Johanna Poethig, Carlo Ricafort, Angela Silva, Alberto Vajrubukka, Charles Valoroso, Carlos Villa, Mel Vera Cruz, & Jenifer Wofford.

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