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Monday, February 26, 2007


i overheard this word between two pinoys talking and mocking each other. the guy told the other (in tagalog), 'no you're not a terorista, but a tororista.' haha. i found that really funny so i used it for my painting.

everybody now knows about the label 'terorista' or terrorist and all filipinos know about the word tororista. for those who don't, 'toro' is how we call a couple fucking each other on a stage in front of people for entertainment. this is illegal but you can still find people who perform this all over manila.

i used the cruxifiction and transformed it into a bald eagle. i also used the vienna sausage box because this is one of the staple 'colonial' food in the philippines. i just want to express how easy they fuck people's minds. if you can't get this you might be one of those people who got TOROrized.

medium: serigraph and acrylic on vienna sausage box.

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